Psiphon Vpn Claro Free Unlimited Internet
How To Configure Psiphon VPN For Free Unlimited Internet.
Psiphon Vpn Claro Free Unlimited Internet
If its taking long, switch your server and reconnect and leave it for about 4-5 minsAlso Read: August free unlimited internet trick on Eagle VPN for Tigo GuatemalaNote: This post is for EDUCATIONAL purpose only! You are responsible for any of your actions, Techfoe only drop such to alert ISPs of their vulnerabilities. Those in Paraguay on the Claro network can follow the below procedures and enjoy the trick while it lasts!Also Read: How to get free browsing data and call credit on any ISP in the world using IMEI tweaks1. A Claro Paraguay Simcard with zero data balance2. An Android, iPhone device, PC or whatever OS platform that has a tunneling app.3. You can use QueenCee VPN, Psiphon VPN or OpenVPNClick here to join our telegram channel for more updates that might not appear here1. Use default access point configurations5. Click on options and then configure it this way:6. Now connect your tunneler and enjoy free unlimited internet tricks!Important: Sometimes it might take long for it connect due to the server that you are connected to.