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Cohen argues that the rift was caused by a failed marriage proposal to Alice ( Cohen, 1996, p. Liddell destroyed all of his letters to Alice. Liddell that he was no longer allowed to take her daughters rowing, and Ms. Several pages in his diary, likely detailing these events, were cut out. In 1863, when Alice was eleven, something occurred that caused a rift between Carroll and the Liddell family. Carroll’s white-stone days were Alice days-none of his seaside frolics with the Dollies, Aggies and Bessies, tantalising as they were, merited any thanksgiving offering. Hudson states this was reserved ‘for outstanding occasions,’ which is certainly true, because the diaries show that this curious entry commemorated all the days when Carroll saw Alice, with the one exception of Carroll’s first meeting with Ellen Terry. Referring to Carroll’s diary entry on first meeting Alice, ‘I mark this day with a white stone,’ Mr. Carroll marked all but one of the days he met Alice with a white stone ( Dick, 1954): In his diary, Carroll marked “special day which had given him great pleasure” with a metaphorical white stone. Carroll’s attraction to young girls is established in a number of biographies, especially Cohen (1996), and discussed by Bullough (1983).Carroll had hundreds of little girl friends throughout his life - he once remarked “children are three-fourths of my life.” Among them, Alice was the most important. Carroll devised Wonderland to entertain Alice (10), Lorina (13) and Edith (8) Liddell on a boating trip, wrote it down at Alice’s request, and presented the first manuscript to her less than two years later. Pen name of Charles Dodgson, author of Alice in Wonderland, mathematician, and photographer. Nick will hide beneath the bed, and Peter will cry for the police.ĭear Micheal, I am very fond of you, but don’t tell anybody. I wish I could see you putting on the redskin’s clothes for the first time. But still, hurray, I am Michael’s candle. You can look on me as one of your candles, the one that burns badly - the greasy one that is bent in the middle. I wish I could be with you and your candles. Paris is looking very excited today, and all the people think it is because there were races yesterday, but I know it is because tomorrow is your birthday. I lay thinking.īarrie wrote the following to Michael on the eve of his eighth birthday ( Birkin & Goode, 2003, p. For the rest of the night he lay on me and across me, and sometimes his feet were at the bottom of the bed and sometimes on the pillow, but he always retained possession of my finger, and occasionally he woke me to say that he was sleeping with me. “It is what I have been wanting the whole time”, said I, and then without more ado the little white figure rose and flung itself at me. “Mother said I wasn’t to want it unless you wanted it first,” he squeaked. “Why, David,” said I, sitting up, “do you want to come into my bed?” Barrie modeled the characters in The Little White Bird after himself and George one suggestive passage about a sleepover reads ( Barrie, 1902, chapter 19): He took many photographs of the boys, some of them nude, but never made any sexual passes, according to the boys themselves. 168), and he became passionately attached to two of them, George and the openly homosexual Michael. An associate, Dolly Ponsonby, wrote that the boys “fill his life & supply all his human interest” ( Birkin & Goode, 2003, p. He met the young sons of the Llewelyn-Davies family in 1897, and was soon spending much of his time playing with them. Barrie’s love of young boys, which inspired him to create the timeless Peter Pan, is documented in the biography by Birkin (1979) (republished as Birkin & Goode, 2003).In 1894, Barrie married Mary Ansell, but their relationship soured because he showed little interest in sex.

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